
The values* set out in the ACF Strategic Plan 2021-2025 express a will that guides our actions as the primary advocate for the Fransaskois community.

By consulting this section of our website you will find the minutes of the regular meetings of the Assembléé des députés communautaires ADC (our elected Board of directors). This Transparency section presents the following details the: salary scale of ACF staff and offers the expenses of our elected officials for the last fiscal year. you will also find ADC''s Governance Policy Manual.

* The values ​​expressed in the ACF strategic plan

Sense of belonging
ACF leaders and staff are proud to belong to their community and want to develop institutions that are their own.

Consultation, collaboration and partnership
The ACF articulates its development around concerted actions and by pooling forces whenever possible.

Respect and integrity
The people working within the ACF respect each other and act with an ethical sense and the greatest integrity.

Equity, justice and inclusion
At the ACF, we treat each person and each group of people with the greatest sense of justice and fairness, with respect for diversity. The ACF recognizes, values ​​and celebrates the diversity of members of the Francophone community and their cultures.

Information and open-mindedness are required in all ACF actions and decisions. We are committed to managing on an “open book” basis at all times.

The ACF exercises its leadership by adhering to the vision, mission, mandate, values, targeted impacts and targeted direct results of the Fransaskois community. Its leadership is based on integrity, openness and mutual respect. ACF promotes transparent consultation and manages resources competently and efficiently.

ACF advocates the removal of artificial boundaries (administrative and/or territorial) and promotes the development of complementarities leading to the strengthening of the whole community. Thus, the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual efforts of each organization. Together, the ACF and its partners aim for collective superior performance resulting from taking convergent action.

ACF élected members and staff are committed to managing the affairs of the community effectively and being accountable for their actions.

(Plan stratégique de l'ACF 2021-2025)

